Laser for Pain

Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common and painful condition that affects the tendons in the elbow. Despite its name, this condition isn’t exclusive to tennis players; it can occur in anyone engaging in repetitive arm motions, gripping, or activities that strain the forearm muscles.

What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, occurs when the tendons that join the forearm muscles to the outside (lateral) of the elbow become inflamed or damaged due to overuse or repetitive stress. This leads to pain and tenderness around the bony bump on the outer side of the elbow (lateral epicondyle), which can radiate down the forearm.

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How Does Tennis Elbow Happen?

The repetitive motion of the forearm, such as gripping a tennis racquet (that is where it gets it’s name), using tools, typing, or any activity that involves repetitive wrist extension and rotation, can strain the tendons. This constant stress causes tiny tears in the tendons, leading to inflammation and pain.

Symptoms of Tennis Elbow:

  • Pain or burning sensation on the outer part of the elbow that may extend down the forearm.
  • Weakness in the forearm or a difficulty in gripping or lifting objects.
  • Discomfort when performing activities involving wrist movement or grasping.
  • Pain with extension of the wrist (bending backwards).
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Class 4 Laser & Rehabilitation:

Class 4 laser therapy has emerged as a promising treatment modality for tennis elbow and various musculoskeletal conditions. It utilizes high-powered lasers to deliver concentrated light energy to the affected area, penetrating deep into the tissues to stimulate cellular repair and promote healing.

Class 4 Laser vs. Low-Intensity Lasers

High-intensity lasers have demonstrated superior effectiveness compared to low-level lasers in healing musculoskeletal conditions, like tennis elbow, due to their ability to deliver higher energy densities to deeper tissues. While low-level lasers emit lower-energy light that primarily affects superficial tissues, high-intensity lasers, such as Class 4 lasers, produce concentrated beams of higher power that penetrate deeper into the affected area. This deeper tissue penetration allows high-intensity lasers to stimulate a more robust cellular response, accelerating cellular metabolism, promoting increased circulation, and triggering a cascade of biochemical reactions that facilitate faster tissue repair and regeneration. The higher power and energy density of high-intensity lasers make them more efficient in targeting and treating musculoskeletal issues, providing a more effective therapeutic option for conditions like tendonitis, muscle strains, and other injuries affecting deeper layers of tissue.

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Benefits of Class 4 Laser Therapy for Tennis Elbow Rehabilitation:

  • Pain Reduction: Laser therapy helps alleviate pain associated with tennis elbow by reducing inflammation and inhibiting pain signals. It promotes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, providing relief without the need for medication.
  • Enhanced Healing: The targeted light energy from Class 4 lasers accelerates cellular metabolism and increases circulation, facilitating quicker tissue repair. This aids in the healing of micro-tears in the tendons, promoting faster recovery.
  • Reduced Inflammation: By reducing inflammation in the affected area, laser therapy helps control swelling and minimizes further damage to the tendons, allowing for a more efficient healing process.
  • Improved Range of Motion: Laser therapy can enhance flexibility and range of motion in the elbow joint, assisting in restoring normal function and reducing stiffness commonly associated with tennis elbow.
  • Non-Invasive and Safe: Class 4 laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure, meaning it doesn’t involve surgical intervention or medications that could cause adverse side effects. It’s generally considered safe and well-tolerated; there are no reported side-effects of laser therapy.
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Incorporating Laser Therapy into Tennis Elbow Rehabilitation:

Are you or someone you know struggling with the pain and limitations that come with tennis elbow? Let us help you! Here is what laser therapy can look like on your path to rehabilitation and recovery. 

In our clinic, one of our certified laser therapy professionals would administer Class 4 laser therapy sessions tailored to your individual condition and needs. For tennis elbow, these sessions typically last for 15 minutes, during which the affected area is exposed to the therapeutic laser. Depending on how chronic your condition is and what your goals are, the therapist may recommend that you come in more or less frequent to the tendons healed. Once the tendons are healed and feeling great- you ‘graduate’! 

Our laser therapy providers would be glad to give you an evaluation & consultation on what your therapy plan may look like- give us a call!

laser therapy for tennis elbow at laser for pain az

Let’s Recap! 

Tennis elbow can significantly impact daily activities and cause persistent discomfort. However, the integration of Class 4 laser therapy into rehabilitation protocols offers a promising avenue for managing pain, accelerating healing, and restoring function in individuals dealing with this challenging condition. As with any treatment, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate course of action for addressing tennis elbow and to consider Class 4 laser therapy as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan.

We, at Laser For Pain, hope to be able to help you get pain relief soon!