Laser for Pain

Patient Education

The benefits of a class 4 laser can include:

  • AntiInflammatory
  • Pain Relief
  • Improved Circulation
  • Trigger Point Release
  • Scar Management
  • Lymphatic Function
  • Accelerated Healing
  • Wound Healing
  • Nerve Repair


Lasers use a process called photobiomodulation. The penetrating light from the laser is received by light sensitive chromophores within our cells. One of those chromophores, Cytrochrome C Oxidase, then converts the light energy into adenosine triphospate (ATP). Increased ATP production results in a series of cellular benefits: oxygen and collagen production, wound healing, nerve conduction and endorphine release.


The Light Does the Work, Not the Heat

Lasers treat the cause, not the symptoms, but…

”How long will it take to feel better?”

  • Many patients feel some immediate relief after their first session.
  • Sustained relief often takes around 2 weeks for more acute injuries
  • Chronic issues might need maintenance treatments after 2 weeks


What to Expect During Your Session

  • Your session with us will last anywhere from 8-15 minutes
  • The Laser will feel warm but should never be uncomfortable
  • Side effects can include fatigue, soreness and headaches, but all brief and passing quickly

The use of Class IV laser input is highly effective in managing acute and chronic pain. Whether itʼs musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, trigger point pain or acute trauma related. Simple laser treatments can help address your pain and get you back to living your life.


Pain Blocking Mechanisms

  • Laser light causes production of high levels of pain killing chemicals such as endorphins and enkephlins from the brain and adrenal gland
  • Laser treatments decrease nerve sensitivity by blocking transmission of pain signals to the brain
  • Laser therapy can stimulate trigger points and acupuncture points on a noninvasive basis providing musculoskeletal relief

Laser therapy has an anti-edemic effect as it causes vasodilation. It also activates the lymphatic drainage system. This system moves excess fluid out of swollen areas. This works to reduce inflammation and bruising. Whether from acute injury, or chronic issues, class IV laser treatments can reduce your swelling.


Edema Management Effects

  • Laser light increases the energy available in your cells, allowing cells to take on nutrients faster and shed fluid easier
  • Class IV laser stimulates ATP production. This is the energy source your cells need to advance your healing process
  • Laser therapy also dilates existing blood and lymphatic vessels, bringing increased blood supply and helping to improve reuptake of fluid

Neuropathy can be a debilitating diagnosis. The primary problem is loss of circulation to the nerves. With class IV laser treatment we can improve circulation slowly and carefully. With improved blood flow pain decreases and sensation can improve.


Goals of Treating Neuropathy with Class IV Laser

  • Improve circulation to wounds, ischemic areas and peripheral nerves
  • Laser treatments decrease nerve sensitivity by blocking transmission of pain signals to the brain
  • Laser therapy can decrease your inflammation as it dilates lymphatic vessels and improves cellular fluid reuptake

With just 1-2 minutes of treatment time per session, you will see noticeable changes in the status of your wound. The laser light penetrates deep into your tissues and stimulates ATP production. This is the energy source your body to needs to provide nutrition to the wound and remove waste.


Wound Healing Mechanisms

  • Laser light increases collagen production, but building blocks of wound closure
  • Laser stimulates new capillary formation in damages tissue. This speeds up the healing process and helps wounds close quickly
  • Laser therapy also dilates existing blood vessels, bringing increased blood supply and helping to advance the healing timeline


Patient Education


Laser Pain


Laser Edema


Laser Neuropathy


Laser Wound
